Preparing for
Say no
to trucks & trailers in your yard!
Our innovative delivery system allows your building to be unloaded on the street, when needed, then rolled into your tight spots.
Shed Skid Profiles

Frequently asked questions
Will there be a verification call from the company?
Yes. You will receive a verification call approximately 7-14 business days from order placement. We will also contact you with delivery arrangements several days prior to delivery.
When will my building be delivered?
Under normal circumstances, stock models are delivered in 1-12 business days and custom orders are typically delivered in 3-6 weeks; however, the time frame will largely depend on the current sales volume at the time of your purchase. Ask your dealer for current time frames.
How do I prepare for delivery?
Here are several things you will need to prepare for prior to building delivery:
1. The delivery personnel need at least 2’ of clearance more than the building width on any straight areas and at least double the building width in any area where a turn must be made. The longer your building is the more area they will need to complete a turn. Picture a semi-tractor/trailer making a turn at a corner. Overhead clearance will need to be approximately 13’.
2. Low hanging branches and other obstructions need to be cleared prior to the delivery date.
3. If the delivery personnel need to cross other people’s property, please have the proper written permissions in place prior to your delivery date.
4. Clean up and dispose of any pet refuse in and around the delivery area. The delivery personnel would rather not find any surprises while setting the building for you.
Should I have a level pad for the building?
The building site needs to be relatively level, so here are some options for preparing the area:
1. Level Concrete Pad – This is the ultimate choice, however, probably the most expensive.
2. Level Gravel Pad – This is a good choice and highly recommended. This will give you a nice level area to set your building as well as allow for drainage in and around your building. The gravel surface where the building sets on needs to be 2 ft. larger than building. (12’x20’ building needs 14’x22’ pad surface area)
3. Concrete Pavers – These are a good option if a concrete or gravel pad is not fitting into your budget. We recommend using the 2” x 8” x 16” concrete pavers.
Here are some formulas to help calculate the number of pavers needed:
(8” of slope or less = Width x Length x .10) or (8” – 12” of slope = Wid th x Length x .15)
These formulas will give you an approximate number of pavers needed. Every site will vary, so please ask your dealer if you have any questions on the amount needed.
Over 12” of slope – We recommend that you have the site excavated and leveled.
Do I need a building permit?
Building permits, zoning requirements, and code restraints are the customer’s responsibility and need to be addressed prior to building delivery.
If you are unsure what the requirements are in your area, we recommend checking with the local authorities.
When is my final balance due?
Cash Sale: The balance is due on delivery and collected by the delivery personnel.
Method of payments: Cash / Check / Cashier’s Check / Credit Card
RTO Sale: Rent-to-Own payments will need to be made to the Rent-to-Own company on a monthly basis.
* Notice: Your order is considered final. If you decide/request any changes or additions to your order it will probably delay delivery of your building.
** Failure to be properly prepared for the delivery process could result in additional charges of $85.00 per hour. It is vital that you take the time to prepare for the arrival of your building.
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We'd like to invite you to visit one of our locations and have a look at our buildings. We take great pride in the portable buildings we produce for our friends and neighbors and look forward to welcoming you into our community of satisfied customers.

Our Cardinal Rule is the Golden Rule.
"Love your neighbor as yourself."
Mark 12:31
Phone: 855-227-2534
989 S Commercial St. Harrisburg IL. 62946
Our Hours
8:00AM - 5:00PM
Monday - Friday
© 2023 Cardinal Portable Buildings, LLC. All Right Reserved.